Focus Session

Morning sun shining through the sky.

“Every conversation with Andrea seemed to uncover some new and surprising bit of insight. The sessions helped immensely with a difficult professional transition. I feel better equipped to handle what’s in front of me with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.”

— Bo in Athens, GA

What motivates you to gain some clarity right now?

Begin scheduling a Focus Session here at no charge. I’ll start the session with the question above. Then I’ll help you reach more clarity on your reigning priorities over the next 3 to 6 months. Once we identify those, we can better understand how individual coaching might help you achieve them.

I will send you an email at the address you’ve provided on this form. The email will include a private link that you can use at your own convenience to schedule your Focus Session on my virtual calendar.

I will call you by phone at your chosen appointment time.

I look forward to our conversation!