A Coke and a Candy Bar


What’s this all about?

When I was a little girl, my mom had a GREAT antidote for MOST of my troubles: a Coke and a candy bar. 

If I had a bad day at school, my mom would take me to Ms. Aliene’s little gas station for a Coke and a candy bar.

If I missed some notes and embarrassed myself at a piano recital, my Mom knew a Coke and a candy bar would help.

When I fell off the banister at our house and cried and cried, off we went to Ms. Aliene’s for a Coke and a candy bar.

I’m sure dentists and doctors frown on this parenting tool. But I was a kid with a child’s capacity for delight, and my mom knew how to lift my spirits fast.

Now I want to lift some spirits myself. This is an obvious way to start. My family and I travel a lot now…with a cooler. So all you friends out there working hard to make an impact, don’t be surprised if I show up with chocolate and soda.

But I hope you’re reading this because I already gave you some! And I hope it helped, if only as a start.

— Andrea Dellinger Jones

Live with Purpose.

Know Your Systems.

Make an Impact.