Live with Purpose.

“What is mine to value?”

The Way is the set of assumptions and non-negotiables that give purpose to your life and work.

These foundational elements are the theologies, philosophies, values, passions, hopes, stories, truisms, and even personal traits and characteristics that you find very revealing or important.

In my program, The Way for you will be uncovered by questions that provoke reflection as we go. Many of these essentials will also emerge through the later practical work of evaluating your systems and your potential impact.

The inevitable “a-ha moments” that result from this thoughtful process will be beautiful and valuable.

Summary: This part of my coaching program discloses the substructure of principle, personality, and desire (i.e. The Way for you) that increasingly feels essential, motivating, and instructive as you proceed.


Know Your Systems.

“What is mine to engage?”

The Way Forward will be the primary conceptual and material structures that enable you to translate The Way into action.

These structures, or “systems,” are the various strategies, languages, organizations, properties, relationships, audiences, and even the controlling metaphors that give The Way its real-world context.

Your own systems may be chosen, inherited, or imposed on you by your circumstances; we operate under them for a variety of reasons. Regardless, these structures can also focus, channel, and empower you to make a difference in the world.

Under my coaching, time must be spent not only identifying your primary systems but also, in some cases, embracing or even acquiring the best ones to use in your context.

Summary: This aspect of my coaching clarifies the concrete components of your vision. My questions will help you identify such things as the primary tools you can employ, the relational networks you must engage, and the people you will best impact for a life that’s more meaningful.


Make an Impact.

“What is mine to do?”

The Way Well Done will be the tactics, skills, practices, characteristics, and habits that positively transform you and the people you influence.

In other words, these are the brass tacks, all those daily decisions that good coaching can help you make and implement with consistency.

These concrete but adjustable applications of your time, money, and effort will depend heavily on the larger systems that you’re identifying and engaging along the way (The Way Forward).

The Way Well Done also keeps your resources and impact in comfortable alignment with your primary values, hopes, and goals (The Way).

You will eventually experience the growing congruence of thought and practice that results from professional coaching, which can make your work as fulfilling as it is effective.

Summary: Here is where good coaching delivers the daily steps and solutions that will give your life ethical integrity, financial sustainability, and the practical ability to make a greater impact on your own life and the lives of others.

Details and Pricing


  • $250 per month for 3 months

  • 9 total coaching sessions

    • 2 one-hour sessions per month

    • 1 Spotlight* session per month

  • Roll over unscheduled sessions


  • $750 total

  • 9 total coaching sessions

    • 6 one-hour sessions

    • 3 Spotlight* sessions

  • 3 months to redeem

*30-minute Spotlight Sessions ($75 value) by phone will follow up on a specific topic or address a pressing dilemma you’re currently facing.

 Start with Focus.

This free, 30-minute Focus Session will help you clarify the top priorities you want to accomplish in the next 3 to 6 months. Once we identify those, we’ll be in a position to illuminate exactly how my program can help you.

You are also welcome to ask any questions you have about my coaching packages, prices, or processes.

I look forward to hearing from you.